Summer Energy Savings Tips
Of course you want your home to be cool and comfortable during the dog days of summer, but you also want to keep your energy use under control so your bills under control too.
Energy-smart day to day living is easier than you might think. You can save cold cash this summer with these energy savings tips.
Energy Savings Tips for Heating and Cooling Your Home
To keep your home cool this summer, draw the curtains and close windows to keep hot air and the sun's burning rays out.
Set the thermostat at 78 degrees or higher when you're home. For every degree you raise your thermostat, you'll get a 3 to 5 percent energy savings on your utility bill. Consider installing a thermostat with a built in timer.
While you can easily adjust the thermostat yourself to comfortable temperatures, it's more efficient to have a system that does it for you automatically.
Don't place your air conditioning thermostat near lamps, appliances, or in direct sunlight. Heat in these areas is sensed by the thermostat and could cause the air conditioner to run longer than necessary.
Lighten Up on Your Wattage for Energy Savings
Since energy use for lighting accounts for some 10 percent of your electric bill, you can save by lightening up on your wattage. If you're using 100-watt bulbs where 60-watt bulbs would do, consider replacing them.
Or, switch to fluorescent bulbs. These give off a warmer light that's closer to the light of incandescent bulbs.
Lighten up on your interior decorating, too: Pale colors for walls, draperies, rugs, and upholstery reflect light and can reduce the number of lamps needed to adequately light a room.
Outdoors, replace incandescent lighting with high-pressure sodium or outdoor fluorescent bulbs for additional savings. Or, try solar-powered pathway lamps or use high-efficiency sodium lamps for security lighting.
Cooking Up Energy Savings in the Kitchen
It's quite easy to cook up energy savings in the kitchen. If you keep range-top burners and reflectors clean, they'll reflect the heat better and require less energy for cooking.
by Tara Garner, Clean-Organized-Family-Home.com